
Previous section: Motivation

Paths are crucial for achieving motivation.

Synonyms for path include steps, methods, and milestones.

flowchart TB
    A[Motivation]-->A1(Goal 1)
    A-->A2(Goal 2)
    A1-->A11(Path 1)
    A1-->A12(Path 2)
    A2-->A21(Path 3)
    A2-->A22(Path 4)

Standards for Designing Paths

Path design should adhere to the SMART criteria:

Suppose your motivation is to become an English expert.

Next, break down this motivation into several paths:

If you set a time limit for yourself while executing these paths, they all adhere to the SMART principles.

Deliberate Practice

There is a difference between doing something and doing it well.

The execution of paths is sequential.

Let’s take running as an example:

If you can barely complete Path 1, it means that the design of Path 1 is reasonable.

The question is: Can you then complete Path 2?

The answer is no.

You need to repeatedly execute Path 1 until you can complete it easily.

This repetitive process is deliberate practice.

Training is often tedious, but we can turn it into a habit.

Next section: Habit